Friday, March 12, 2010


Last night Kyla and I made cookies.  When she tried one, I asked if they tasted good.

Kyla: Mmm.  Oh yeah.  I like cookies!  Cause cookies are my faaaavorite flavor!

Today for lunch, I heated up some soup for Kyla.  As I was cooling it down for her, she looked in and asked,

Kyla: What are those, those chickens?
Me: Dumplings.
Kyla: No, those chickens?
Me: That's beef.
Kyla: Oh, I like those beef chickens.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I think Kyla is a little confused by the word adult.  It seems she thinks it is actually two words.

The other day Kyla was telling me something that she can't do yet.  "I can't do dat yet.  But you and Daddy can do it, 'cause you are dolts."

And tonight at bed time I was telling her that tomorrow is a school day and that Maxx will be going to the baby classroom (for the first time).  She said, "Oh yeah.  And you go to the dolt classroom!"

Yes, I was called a dolt by my not quite 3-year old.  And apparently there is a special classroom just for dolts like me.