Thursday, February 16, 2012


Maxx is getting to the "why?" stage.  Here is today's conversation when I picked him up from school and was getting him in the car.

Maxx: It not rainy.  Why?
Me: It's just not.
Maxx: But it wet out.  But d'ere not any rain.
Me: You're right.
Maxx: Why?
Me: Well, it was raining earlier, but it stopped.
Maxx: (pointing at a bird) Why the birds can fly but they not get wet?
Me: They have a special oil on their wings that helps the water slide right off.
Maxx: Why?
Me: So they don't get wet.
Maxx: Why we can walk but we no can fly?
Me: Because we don't have wings.
Maxx: Why?

At this point, he was all strapped in, so I shut his door and walked around to my side of car.  And that was the end of that conversation.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Protect Your Noggin

We've gotten a bit lax on the helmet issue around our house.  I'm torn.  In many ways, I think society's gotten a tad bit overprotective.  We also live on a "street" with only one other house.  Therefore it is pretty quiet; we don't get many cars and it's just a small "hill."  I see the pros, though, especially when riding near cars, or down big hills.  Kyla is kind of fearless, too.  Fortunately, she is pretty agile and very coordinated.  However, that doesn't stop her from having her occasional spills. 

Recently, I have been getting on her about wearing her helmet all the time.  Trying to instill that habit, so it's not forgotten when she's riding near traffic or so she doesn't start thinking it's not ever necessary.  I told her how we need to protect our brain and of course she had a lot of questions about the brain and what it does and why it is so important. 

So, today she was going to go ride her scooter.  I always remind her of mom's rules: no going on the walking path, stay in our driveway/yard or Jackie's (the neighbor boy) and come inside if any cars drive up.  I told her if she was going to ride her scooter, she needed to wear her helmet.

Kyla: I know.  Because if we get a crack all the way around our head (drawing a circle in the air around her face), our brains will fall out.
Me: Well, I guess that might happen.
Kyla: (giving me a playful smile and shaking her finger) Yah, 'cause everybody knows that!