Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Live Tree for Christmas

Jedd has tried for years to get me to agree to a live tree for Christmas.  I have resisted, because I had never had one and it seemed like more work.  This year, he was tricky and got the kids excited about the idea.  So we got one.  It turned out better than I had imagined.  At the nursery, there were only about 10 trees to choose from and only a few varieties.  Which made choosing a tree a fairly quick process.  While looking over the trees, Maxx looked in greenhouse and saw a guy trimming branches and a pile of tree clippings, most likely for wreaths. 

Maxx:  Oh, 'dose are da killed trees.  Look Ky-ya, 'dose trees are da killed ones.

The kid speaks the truth and calls it like he sees it. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Leave it to Bieber

Last night while brushing teeth:

Me:  Maxx you need a haircut.  You're starting to get Justin Bieber hair.
Maxx:  Nuh-uh, Mom...  (laughing - at me) Beavers don't have hair!!!

Boys will be Men

Last month I helped out at Maxx's class Thanksgiving Feast.  After the kids had gorged themselves on sliced turkey, stuffing, corn, sandwiches cut into turkey shapes, turkey shaped cookies, pumpkin patch cupcakes and sugar cone teepees, one of Maxx's classmates turned to me.

Levi: Um, he just burped (pointing to Maxx).
Me: Yah, he does that.  Sometimes at home, he has great, big ole man burps!
Levi: Oh.  Sometimes I have great, big man farts.