Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Baby Ruffy & Jury Duty

For Father's Day, we went to Grandma Kay and Papa's house.  When we left, Maxx said, "What 'bout Ba'y Ruff Ruff?"  Jedd and I were sure that we didn't bring him and we left.  When we got home though, no Baby Ruffy...  Called Grandma Kay and sure enough, he was there...

I told Maxx we would have to wait until morning to go get him.  Maxx was not pleased.

Maxx:  We go now.
Me:  No, it's too late.  It's dark out and you need to go to sleep.
Maxx:  You go bys yours self?
Me:  No, I'm tired, too.  And Grandma Kay and Papa are going to sleep, too.
Maxx:  Dey got PJs?
Me:  Yes, I'm sure they have pajamas.  They are going to take good care of Baby Ruff Ruff.
Maxx:  Dey gon' sweep wiff him?
Me:  Do you want them to?
Maxx:  No.
Me:  Okay, then, they won't sleep with him.  

Surprisingly, Maxx slept all night with out any problems.  He must have been really worn out from the day.  First thing in the morning, though, he came into the room and asked, "We get Ba'y Ruff Ruff, now?"

Fortunately, Papa was able to meet us halfway to have lunch and make the delivery.  I told the kids we would have lunch with Papa, but not Grandma Kay because she had jury duty. 

Kyla: What is jury duty.
Me: Well (wracking my brain for a simple way to explain), remember how people who don't have good self control sometimes do bad things and go to jail? 
Kyla: Yes.
Me:  Well, if they do something bad, they get arrested.  Then they have to go to court to tell the judge why they did those bad things.  And the judge will listen to them and decide if they can go home or if they have to go back to jail.  The jury helps the judge decide where they will go after they are arrested.
Kyla: Oh.

The conversation went on a bit longer.

In the car, on the way to meet Papa, I again told the kids that Grandma Kay was not going to be there, since she had jury duty.

Kyla:  But mom, why is Grandma Kay going to jail?
Me:  Oh, no, Grandma Kay isn't going to jail!
Kyla:  But, why did she get arrested?

Clearly a very key distinction was lost in the explanation of jury duty.  I explained again, making sure to point out that Grandma Kay was helping to decide what would happen to someone ELSE who had gotten arrested.  

Scary Stuff

Kyla has been experiencing some obsessive spider fear recently.  A couple nights in a row she woke up  in the middle of the night due to bad dreams and was sure there was a spider in her room.

Recently in the car, she confided to me:

Kyla: Mommy, I believe in Jesus that I will not get pinched by a black weirdo...
Me: (thinking, what in the world?!?!)
Kyla: but that is the spider that I am worried about the most.


Turns out that when the kids found a garden snake in the driveway, the neighbor mom told them about Black Widow spiders, too.  Kyla does NOT like spiders, so that really got her worried!