Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"Do pirates sometimes get seasick?"
- Maxx, age 5

"Pillows hurt my brain."
- Maxx's answer to why he doesn't use a pillow.

"I love you and everybody that I know and everybody that I don't know."
- Maxx's response to when we are all saying that we love each other.  He's covering all the bases.

Maxx has been quite certain for some time now, that he doesn't want to be a ninja or an army man when he grows up.  Pretty sure this is because we told him that there weren't really many ninjas these days and he decided it was because they were all killed.  And when asked why he didn't want to be an army man, he asked if they get "shooted."  And when it was verified that yes, sometimes they get shot at, that sealed the deal.  In the meantime, though, he's happy to play make-believe that he is a ninja or army man and will enthusiastically pretend to shoot others or get shot (and dramatically die), himself.

Recent Maxx-isms:
Mustache - mush face
Magnet - mangwret
Granola bars - grau-owa bars
Cannons - canyons
Handcuffs - Hand cups
Darth Vader - Dark Vader
Construction Workers - Destruction Workers
Unstoppable - Unstuffable
For some time now, he's been pronouncing the "l" in Kyla.  He puts extra emphasis on it so it almost sounds like Kylo.

I love that with Kyla's ever expanding vocabulary and knowledge, she still says "eever" instead of "even."  I haven't yet started to correct it.

And she can never remember the name for one of her favorite meals, pot roast.  She calls it pot wurst (a mix between pot roast and bratwurst).

Monday, May 19, 2014

Most people are old, compared to a pre-schooler

"So, Mom, are you 14 or 15 years old?"

 - My dear, sweet, innocent Maxx, age 5.

Friday, September 27, 2013


I just got a big hug from Maxx. 

Me: Maxx, I love your hugs.  Will you always give me nice, big hugs?
Maxx: Uh huh.
Me: Even when you're a big kid?
Maxx: Yes.
Me: Even when you're a grown up, like Daddy?
Maxx: (as he's walking away) Yes.  ...if you are still alive when I am growed up.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Way

Hearing this more and more and can no longer ignore that "it" has begun.  My opinion and influence are beginning their decline.

Kyla: Ughhhhh!  Mom, I just want to do it my own way!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Recent Stuff

Maxx gave me a card he decorated with stickers.
Me: Which one is your favorite sticker?
Maxx points to an apple sticker.
Me: The apple, not Lightning McQueen?
Maxx: I like apples.  Apples are good to eat.  Um, can I maybe have an apple?
Me: I don't think we have any apples right now.  Nope, no apples.  Sorry.
Maxx: Oh.  Okay, then, I will have some water.

Maxx:  Mom, I want you to play Legos with me.
Me:  I thought Daddy was playing with you.
Maxx:  Well, Daddy is going to weed whack the yard and Kyla is going outside to play.
Me:  If Daddy wasn't going to weed whack, would you still want me to play?
Maxx:  No, I would want Daddy.

Recently, Kyla has been playing in make believe that things get "Electrocated."  I haven't corrected her yet.  

Coming back from the park, Kyla yells, "I'm gonna run until I fall down!" and takes off on a dead sprint, falling down laughing. "Oh, that was sooo great!" 

Love the gift of seeing life through the eyes of my children. Especially since I was not exactly a carefree child when I was young.  And obviously, at that time, I didn't know how to appreciate the innocence in such absolute abandon, as I can now.

And lastly, here is the current list of "When I grow up, I want to be:"
Maxx: A policeman and a ninja
Kyla: A paleontologist

Monday, May 20, 2013


A different story of survival.  Today Maxx and I talked about bloody noses, because a classmate had one in school.

Maxx: And den dere will be blood?  And den we will die.
Me: No, you probably won't die.
Maxx: Yah, 'cause we need to survive.
Me: Yes, we want to survive.
Maxx: And da baby bird.
Me: Just like the baby bird. (?)
Maxx: Unless dey get shooted.

And that's where we conclude many conversations these days - shooting, death, destruction, etc.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Survival of the Fittest

Kyla loves learning.  Every time the class gets to pick books from the library at school, there is at least one encyclopedia-type book, if not all.  This afternoon, she was looking through a book about water creatures. 

Kyla: Whoa, the puffer fish can get so big and pointy!
Me: Yah, ouch!
Kyla: Oh, that would certainly be a big surprise for any creditors! (predators)
Me: Yes, it certainly would.

The creditors had better really watch themselves out in the wild.  Kyla is constantly telling me about how various animals protect themselves against the creditors by trickery, poison, or other crafty ways.

I haven't brought myself to correct her yet.  I find a humorous sense of justice in comparing preying creditors to wild animals attacking the seemingly less capable.