Saturday, January 30, 2010


Driving in the car, running errands today, Kyla lamented, "Oh no!  Dat river not hab any coconuts for o (all) da burdies!  For o da duckies!"

Oh no, indeed.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Old Man

Kyla has a new puzzle that she got for Christmas from Nana & Poppy.  It's a cartoon version of Noah's ark and has several pairs of animals.  She really enjoys putting it together and talking about all the animals.

Here is part of our conversation this morning as we put the final few pieces in place.

Me: Where is the piece with the man?
Kyla:  Here it is.  Here is the oald man.
(I have not ever referred to him as old.)

Kyla:  He a oald, oald man.  I not like oald mans.
Me:  Why not?
Kyla:  Cause he hab dat and dat and dat (pointing at the mustache, beard and hair on the sides, but not the top of his head).

I was speechless and trying not to laugh.  Where did that come from?  Good thing that neither grandpa has any of those hair "issues."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This morning Kyla woke me up way too early (because I was foolish and had a mocha yesterday afternoon that kept me awake until the wee hours of the morning).  She graciously climbed into my bed and let me sleep a little (10 minutes) longer, before informing me that she needed her spotting scope.  She's very much into Go, Diego, Go! these days.  And fortunate for her, Jedd has a monocular that he let her (have) borrow.  So she had it when she went to bed and this morning could not find it.

Me:  (groggily) Is it in your bed?
Kyla:  I don' know...
Me:  Go look.
Kyla:  Okay. (returns)  It no in derre. (shoulders shrugged, hands out, palms up)
Me:  Did it fall under the bed?  Look under your bed.
Kyla:  (leaves & returns again)  I no see it unner derre.
Me:  You're sure it's not underneath?  You know how your books fall back there sometimes?  Check underneath.
Kyla:  (pause, while the wheels in her brain are turning) No, mama.  It not unner my neef.
Me:  (fine, I'll get my lazy butt out of bed and help)  Okay, let's go look.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Kyla loves dresses and twirling.  I mean, what little girl doesn't?  This morning, she was twirling around in her favorite dress from Gma Kay and Papa (she's really kind of obsessed with this particular dress).  This is what she said, as she stood swaying a little from all the spinning.

Kyla:  Look!  Look at our house!  Look at our house!
Me:  Yes?
Kyla:  It so twoorly!  It is twoorling.
Me:  Oh?
Kyla:  Yes.  I LIKE to twoorl!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Yesterday I was telling Kyla that we were going to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers).

Kyla:  I no wanna go MOPS.
Me:  Tyler might be there today.  You have to show Tyler how to be a big girl at MOPS.
Kyla:  Oh, Tyler be derre?
Me:  Yes.  You need to show him how brave you are and how you don't cry.
Kyla:  No.  I no cry.  I a big gurl.
Me:  Right.  And how you don't whine.
Kyla:  I no eat wine.  I no drink wine.
Me:  Uh.  No, you don't drink wine.
Kyla:  Yah, cuz wine is yucky for me.  I get big, I drink wine!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Kyla's proclamation while waiting for me to finish cutting her pear.

Kyla:  Hey Mom!  Fruit are fruit. 

No arguing with that.

Monday, January 11, 2010


This weekend my parents were in a car accident.  They are alright save some bruising on my dad and my mom broke her collarbone.  I told Kyla that Grandma Kay hurt her neck.

Kyla:  Grandma Kay got a crack?
Me:  Yes.  She did.
Kyla:  She got in the cracky-crack?
Me (stifling a laugh):  What?
Kyla:  Yah, it so in the cracky-crack.

Ummm...  Okay.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


After being at the store with Jedd for about 45 minutes, Kyla came home and gave me a big hug.

Kyla: Mommy, I miss you sooooo much!
Me: Oh, Kyla, you're learning to be a little manipulator, aren't you?
Kyla: Yah, I a lady.
Jedd: Ha!  That is so true.  And she learned it from the best.

What exactly is he trying to imply?

Saturday, January 2, 2010


We spent a couple of restful days in Chelan after Christmas.  Here are a couple of quotable tidbits from our trip.

Driving out of the parking lot one evening, we saw our friends, Skip and Suzanne.  Jedd rolled down his window to say hello.  Kyla wanted her window down, too, so she could talk.  They asked how old Kyla was and she replied, "I two.  My birf-day is comin' in March.  And I like lellow cars!"  (So in case anyone needs gift ideas...)

While at Nana and Poppy's house, we were washing hands and Kyla said, "Oh, this soap white!"  And I said that actually the soap was clear.  "Huh?"  Clear.  "Oh, Clara is my frey-end.  She came to my house.  And Gracie is my friend, too."

Clear, Clara...  I can see the confusion.

- Yes, Clara is our friend from California and she did stay at our house with us and Kyla talks about her often.  And I think Gracie is the little girl who Kyla befriended at Burger King while we were there with Clara and Mason, and whom Kyla also keeps talking about even though they played together for less than an hour.  Clearly, (or Clara-ly) Gracie also made quite an impression.

Clara and Kyla at the Children's Museum

Friday, January 1, 2010

Two, Going on Fifteen

Kyla loves the song Fifteen by 'Tyler Swiff.'  She is even starting to sing parts of it - mostly just belting out, "Fifteen," half a beat late.  If you haven't seen the video (20,000 times), Taylor wears a sundress and is barefoot.

Today Kyla put on one of her new dresses that she got for Christmas.  Usually I put pants underneath her dresses because it's cold out and she doesn't quite understand modesty yet.  This morning she had her own opinion (big surprise).  She put on her dress and said, "I no need pants or socks.  Just like Tyler Swiff."