Saturday, January 2, 2010


We spent a couple of restful days in Chelan after Christmas.  Here are a couple of quotable tidbits from our trip.

Driving out of the parking lot one evening, we saw our friends, Skip and Suzanne.  Jedd rolled down his window to say hello.  Kyla wanted her window down, too, so she could talk.  They asked how old Kyla was and she replied, "I two.  My birf-day is comin' in March.  And I like lellow cars!"  (So in case anyone needs gift ideas...)

While at Nana and Poppy's house, we were washing hands and Kyla said, "Oh, this soap white!"  And I said that actually the soap was clear.  "Huh?"  Clear.  "Oh, Clara is my frey-end.  She came to my house.  And Gracie is my friend, too."

Clear, Clara...  I can see the confusion.

- Yes, Clara is our friend from California and she did stay at our house with us and Kyla talks about her often.  And I think Gracie is the little girl who Kyla befriended at Burger King while we were there with Clara and Mason, and whom Kyla also keeps talking about even though they played together for less than an hour.  Clearly, (or Clara-ly) Gracie also made quite an impression.

Clara and Kyla at the Children's Museum

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