Friday, January 22, 2010

Old Man

Kyla has a new puzzle that she got for Christmas from Nana & Poppy.  It's a cartoon version of Noah's ark and has several pairs of animals.  She really enjoys putting it together and talking about all the animals.

Here is part of our conversation this morning as we put the final few pieces in place.

Me: Where is the piece with the man?
Kyla:  Here it is.  Here is the oald man.
(I have not ever referred to him as old.)

Kyla:  He a oald, oald man.  I not like oald mans.
Me:  Why not?
Kyla:  Cause he hab dat and dat and dat (pointing at the mustache, beard and hair on the sides, but not the top of his head).

I was speechless and trying not to laugh.  Where did that come from?  Good thing that neither grandpa has any of those hair "issues."

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