Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This morning Kyla woke me up way too early (because I was foolish and had a mocha yesterday afternoon that kept me awake until the wee hours of the morning).  She graciously climbed into my bed and let me sleep a little (10 minutes) longer, before informing me that she needed her spotting scope.  She's very much into Go, Diego, Go! these days.  And fortunate for her, Jedd has a monocular that he let her (have) borrow.  So she had it when she went to bed and this morning could not find it.

Me:  (groggily) Is it in your bed?
Kyla:  I don' know...
Me:  Go look.
Kyla:  Okay. (returns)  It no in derre. (shoulders shrugged, hands out, palms up)
Me:  Did it fall under the bed?  Look under your bed.
Kyla:  (leaves & returns again)  I no see it unner derre.
Me:  You're sure it's not underneath?  You know how your books fall back there sometimes?  Check underneath.
Kyla:  (pause, while the wheels in her brain are turning) No, mama.  It not unner my neef.
Me:  (fine, I'll get my lazy butt out of bed and help)  Okay, let's go look.

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