Monday, February 22, 2010


I just went in the playroom to find Kyla drawing a picture in her reading tent.  I asked her what she was doing.

Kyla:  I a de'tist (dentist).
Me:  Oh, are you drawing a picture?
Kyla:  Yah, I drowing a snowman.
Me:  What is your snowman's name?
Kyla:  His name Emily!  He is my frey-end.

My poor little Maxx, still recovering from his cold and Kyla showing off her snowman.

I then took a picture of her holding her snowman (named Emily).  She wanted to see the picture.

Me:  Good one?
Kyla:  Yah, cause I a de'tist.  Hey, I wan' to clean your teef!

A few minutes later, she wanted to get out her dress-up clothes (a daily occurrence).  She found her tiara.

Kyla:  I wan' my crown!  Dis my de'tist crown.
Me:  Oh, dentists wear crowns?
Kyla:  Yah.  After da kings come.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

So random and so hilarious!