Thursday, May 13, 2010


Kyla came downstairs the other morning with her Care Bear stuffed under her dress.  I calmly asked what was going on.

Kyla:  Mommy, I want you to have a baby in your belly.
Me:  I already had 2 babies in my belly, you and Maxx.
Kyla:  But I want you to have another baby.
Me:  We have a baby, baby Maxx.
Kyla:  Nooooo.  I want you to have a baby girl.

Then yesterday, she told me she was a doctor and would tell me what to do.  A lot of times this involves a series of physical activities; hop up and down, spin like a ballerina, march in a circle, etc.  This time she pulled out her picture book, filled with pictures of family and friends.  I put it together when I was pregnant with Maxx and trying to teach her everyone's names.  The first picture is an ultrasound of Maxx.

Kyla:  Okay, I da doctor.  I tell you what you need to do.  (She flips open her book to the first picture.)  Okay.  First you need to have a baby in your belly.

I didn't hear anything after that...



The Loidhamer Family said...

Mason was on a kick for about a year telling me that I WAS having another baby, not as if I was already pregnant, but as if it were a foregone conclusion. We proceeded to laugh and ignore him and he got over it.

Two brothers said...

That is so funny. She is persistant!