Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Kyla has just started ballet at the Y.  She loves it!  Her instructor, Miss Hannah, has shared a couple of comments that Kyla has made.

On her second day of class, Kyla informed me that she did not want me to stay and watch her.

Me: You mean you want me to leave?
Kyla: Yes.
Me: Okay, Maxx & I will go and we'll come back later.
Kyla: No, I no want you to come back later.
Me: Well, we have to come when the class is over and take you home.
Kyla (in her fake whiny voice): Ohhhhh...  Well, okay, then.

I did not actually leave.  Maxx & I stood and watched from the hall windows for a bit.  Then one of the Y employees told us we could sit in a room across the hall if we wanted and she even brought some toys for Maxx to play with.  So I sat in there with a couple of other moms and we chatted while the girls had their class. 

When class ended, I went to get Kyla and I told Miss Hannah what Kyla had said to me.  Miss Hannah laughed and said that once all the girls were seated, Kyla politely raised her hand.  When she was called on, she said, "Um, can you please go and tell my mommy to leave now?"

For today's class, I did leave and made a quick trip to the grocery.  At the end of class, Miss Hannah told me that she was explaining to the girls about attitude and bringing their good attitudes to class.  Kyla raised her hand and said, "Oh, yes.  I keep my good attitude in my jewelry box at home."

Maybe that's what's been going on recently.  It's not a phase, she's locked up her good attitude!  Now that I know where it is, maybe I could go get it for her and things will get easier for all of us.


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