Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Excuse you!

The last two nights we've two fairly funny "potty" incidents.

While reading stories, someone passed gas. 
Me: Who tooted?
Kyla: Not me.
Maxx: It wasn't me.
Me: Really?  No one?

Both kids were adament it was not either of them.

Me: Well, it's stinky.  Someone should say, "excuse me."
Kyla:  Excuse me.


Then last night the kids were taking a bath together.  Maxx said he was ready to get out, but I let him stay in and play a bit longer.  I noticed he was sitting very still and looked a little 'odd.' I almost asked him if he needed to poop, but thought, "he'll let me know if he does." Minutes later...

Kyla: Mom, I think I see poop!
Me: What?!?! Maxx did you poop?
Maxx: No.
Kyla: Well, I didn't do it!
Me: (as I'm scooping the poop out with a bath toy) Maxx did you poop in here?
Maxx: (indignantly) No!  I pooped on the other side. (pointing to the other end of the bath tub)

Showers all around.

Obviously my kids have not perfected the art of lying (and follow-through).

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I just caught up on these and laughed out loud at each one!! :)